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The Plot as of 17.03.12

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The Plot as of 17.03.12 Empty The Plot as of 17.03.12

Post  Michelle Amorcya Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:50 am


It all started in the 1800s. In 1821, Russell Chapman went to his oldest and closest friend, Frederick Amorcya and stated that he wished to open a school for young witches and wizards. The school would focus on teaching these young witches and wizards all there is to know about magic. He stated that the school would be separate from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. This school would be exclusive to young Australian witches and wizards, so they wouldn’t have to travel halfway across the world to get their education. Russell had everything ready. Everything except a location for the school. That was where Frederick came in. For as long as the young wizard could remember, the Amorcya family had owned Amorcya Island. The island was not a large one, but Russell thought the location was perfect. The island would be big enough for the school. Frederick thought the island could also be a perfect location for a small town. The town could be home to students wanting to live closer to the school. Construction began in early 1822, funded by the Chapman family, and by 1825, Chapman Academy for Witches and Wizards was completed. In 1826, Chapman Academy accepted its first lot of students. Russell Chapman took the role of Headmaster, and decreed that this role would fall to the first born Chapman son. Frederick and Russell remained close throughout their lives, with Frederick taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, and helping Russell run the school.


The school was a success, and Australian families began sending their children to Chapman Academy rather than one of the three main schools for witches and wizards. In 1970, a reign of terror by the name of Lord Voldemort hit the wizarding world. Thankfully, the wizarding community in Australia was fairly small, so the Dark Lord seemed to have no interest in it. The terror caused by the Dark Lord kept the Australian Minister of Magic busy as he attended conferences with the other Ministers of the world. However, in 1981, the Dark Lord’s reign of terror came to an end. News spread of a boy who seemed to have defeated the Dark Lord, even though he was only a baby. The boy’s name was Harry Potter. Although the Australian wizarding community had never been targeted, they still breathed a sigh of relief, and over the next 11 years, all returned to normal.


Then in 1992, it happened. September 1, 1992, is a date that will never be forgotten. On this day, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was destroyed. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute went shortly afterwards. September 1, 1992, was Harry Potter’s first year of Hogwarts. He did not survive. An inspection of the destruction site showed that nobody did. Suddenly, Chapman Academy was the only hope left for young witches and wizards to gain an education. The current Headmaster, Douglas Chapman, was more than willing to allow the foreign students to join his school. His best and most trusted friend, and the Minister of Magic for Australia, Shane Amorcya, was not quite so willing. Headmaster Chapman always trusted the Minister’s opinion, however this time he decided to ignore it and in 1994, he allowed the foreign students to join Chapman Academy.

Things seemed to go well for the first few years. The students seemed to be working out well, and the cultural diversity within the school seemed to encourage students to learn more about the wizarding world. In 1995, the Headmaster and his wife welcome their first born children – a set of twins, a boy and a girl. The Headmaster couldn’t have been happier. A son meant that the Chapman line would continue. It also meant that there would be someone to take over the role of Headmaster once he died or stepped down. In 1996, the Amorcya’s welcomed their first born children – also a set of twins. They were both girls. For over a hundred years, every first born Amorcya child had been a male. Shane Amorcya had two daughters. This meant the Amorcya line ended with them. The Minister of Magic was jealous of his friend, who had a son, someone to continue his lineage. For the first time in over a hundred years, a rift was created between the Amorcya family and the Chapman family. Oh, they were still the best of friends. But the Minister of Magic couldn’t help but resent his friend for his son.

In all these years, nobody thought about what the Dark Lord Voldemort was up to since destroying Hogwarts. The Ministry of Magic assumed they were safe, because Voldemort had never shown an interest in the Australian wizarding community before. They had never once thought that with the expansion of Chapman Academy, and the cultural diversity of its students, Voldemort might be coming after them, next. In the year 2000, the Australian Minister of Magic received an alarmed warning from the British Minister of Magic. Voldemort had caught wind of Chapman Academy. They were not safe. The Minister immediately informed Headmaster Chapman, and the school was placed under the Fidelius Charm, with Headmaster Chapman himself being the Secret Keeper. Rules were changed so students could only attend the school via direct invitation. They had to receive this invitation each year before they would be able to go back to school. Due to the school being on an island, the only mode of transportation for students to return to school was boats. These boats were driven by wizards who had been entrusted as secondary Secret Keepers.

It is now 2012. The Minster of Magic’s twins are in their sixth year at school. The Headmaster’s twins are in their seventh, and their younger brother is in his first. The death rate amongst the Australian wizarding community is higher than it has ever been. Each day, another wizard goes missing at the hands of Voldemort’s Death Eaters. Every day, the Dark Lord is closer and closer to finding the school. The students and teachers of Chapman Academy for Witches and Wizards try to focus on their studies, try to live their lives as normally as possible, all the while living in fear as they await the inevitable day that Voldemort finds their beloved school.


"Dark times lie ahead of us, and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right."
Michelle Amorcya
Michelle Amorcya

Posts : 12
Join date : 2012-03-15

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